Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Burj al Arab

9 Days before it  ended.

I have recently applied for my visa cancellation in order to go home and prepare for my next adventure. so i set up a 10 day plan to tour to some of my favorite destinations around Dubai... On day 2 i decided to head out to the place i love the most of all... Souk Madinat. A souk is an Arabic translation for a Market place and this Souk is a really classy marketplace located in Jumeirah,witch represents most of the coastline of Dubai. I will get to it in future as ill be posting some pictures of it all. So after the Souk me and Carson( a friend from the Phillipines) headed out towards Burj al Arab to take a few photos and as usual, i wanted to do something a little different, so I took hold of the bars as it was my intention to make it look lile im holding it... well it really wasn't to easy as every few seconds a car would come... and as the only view you can really get that clear, is standing in the middle of the road, you have to get out of it everytime cars came, and positioning the hands... wow it was really hard to get it right and this is as close as i did get. When i see how many people come there taking photos with the burj al arab in the background and think of it happening everyday, i almost start to feel a bit of jealousy. this building has been millions of people's facebook profile picture i'm very sure!

this night we went to enjoy some butter chicken, a delicious Indian Cuisine, and then later we made our way to Rock Bottom, Dubais best club! and i found out I was not allowed there no more. Apparently i caused alota trouble the last time i went there and earned my self a 6 month ban... and not only there, but two other clubs i went to that same night... Haha i wish i could remember the day i caused so much havok in dubai!

flyin to Cape town, South Africa tonight. An awesome adventure awaits!!


  1. Corrie my friend ur the best adventurous guy iv ever met ur daring n full of life can imagine how ur kids will be? lolz neways tk care cya soon god bless u man cheers

  2. thanks brother. you know the best thing is that the adventure is just beginning...imagine what all of europe will have insore for me man!!!
